Advanced Angiospermae

Angiospermae have several characteristics, including ones which lately have been referred to as "advanced". One of them is the decrease in the member of petals which often combine to form a flower cylinder, This kind of plant is almost always visited by insects with a long mouth. Another depeloped characteristic is the existence of a chemical to defend itself from tiny seeds by means of the seed shell which is cylinder shaped (Pachychalaza),including the depelopment of the ovule. This last characteristic is considered new and not related to primitive seed shells. "Advanced angiospermae" are usually succesful, especially as open field herbs. many of them are regarded as weeds and poisonous to cattle. The largest class of advanced angiospermae is Compositae.

a developed group characterized by small, round flowers which are head-shaped and attractive, they look like simple flowers. Acanthus ilicifolius (right) in a mangrove is always pollinated by birds.

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